I was just reading a wonderful article on Patience.
The author, Beauty Kumari, posed an excellent question at the end of her article...
"How do you stay motivated when progress feels slow?"
This got me thinking.
There are many days I write where I feel No Motivation.
Where I Feel in a Slump.
Where I Look at the Progress I make and Feel like it is Slower than a Snail.
Where I get Results and Feel that they are Lacking.
Now, sometimes these are All True.
Sometimes they are just Perceptions based on Broken Societal Standards of What Progress and Results "Should" look like.
Lies peddled by Snake Oilsmen and Sharks who want you to Feel Less Than.
Admittedly, I have been Sold Lies and been Bitten by the Sharks.
I've had Failures.
But I've also had what many people would consider Incredible Successes.
Success is Strange because the Idea of "Success" is often in the Eye of the Beholder.
Sometimes what others "See" and "Believe" is Success does not Match Your Own Version of Success.
This is Neither Good or Bad.
It Simply Is.
Then there is the feeling where certain "Versions" of Success start to Feel Different as you reach different Stages of Your Life.
You can attain them, and they Stop Feeling Like "Success".
They are No Longer Motivating.
So, it brings us back to the Question...
How do You Stay Motivated when Progress feels Slow?
You could add other Questions to this as well...
How do You Stay Motivated when You Do Not Feel Successful?
How do You Stay Motivated when You Get No Results?
How do You Stay Motivated when No One Sees Your Work?
How do You Stay Motivated when No One Seems to Care?
How do You Stay Motivated when You Feel Invisible?
How do You Stay Motivated when You Have No Motivation?
Which Brings Me to My Answer...
I Do Not Stay Motivated.
Sometimes I have Motivation.
But the Truth is that I "Know" I cannot Rely On It.
I have watched Too Many Talented People Lose Their Way because they Attempted to Rely on Motivation but had None.
To Continue Going Forward, the Reality is that You Must Go Beyond Motivation.
It is Impossible to Rely on Motivation Alone.
Does Motivation feel great when you have it?
But, over time, there will be Far More Moments Without Motivation than With Motivation.
If you are going to Continue Forward, then you Need Something Else.
What can you Rely On When there is No Motivation?
No Progress?
Lack of Markers of Success?
When No One Sees?
When No One Appears to Care?
When You Feel Invisible?
What Will You Rely On Then?
There are Days when I Struggle with how to Say This...
But for me, I Continue Going because That is what is Right.
You could say that there is an Element of Knowing.
Deep in the Core of Your Being.
At some point, you've got to Dig into Something Far More Reliable than Motivation.
Who You Are.
What You Stand For.
You Need to Take "You" and Aim Every Aspect of Yourself in the Direction You "Know" to be Right.
Then You Must Go.
No Matter What.
Not for the Glory.
Not for the Satisfaction.
Not for the Awards.
Not for the Spotlight.
Not for the Rewards.
Not for the Riches.
You Do It Because It Is Right.
You Do It Because It Is What "You" Need To Do.
You Do It Because There Is And Will Only Ever Be "One" You.
If "You" Do Not Do It, Then It Will Never Be Done.
This Becomes Why You Keep Going.
Your Wayset.
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