When Good Days Get Hijacked - The Process Of Overcoming The Drop

When Good Days Get Hijacked - The Process Of Overcoming The Drop

I was having a Great Day Today!

I felt on Top of the World!

Nothing was going to Slow Me Down!


Something Did.

Got Side-Swiped in a way I wasn't Expecting.

You know the saying where people claim they feel like they just got hit with a Two-by-Four?

Sums it up pretty nicely.

Everything that I was feeling up to that point vanished.

I went from feeling like I was on Top of the World to Drowning in only a few minutes.

It is interesting how our Emotions can Jump so quickly like that.

That set me up very poorly because my next item on today's agenda was Writing this Article.

I can Assure you, the "Last" thing that I felt like doing was Writing.

Quite Honestly, I've started Writing and a part of me would rather go lie under a table and contemplate nothing... knowing very well it would probably become contemplating the vast multitude of problems that exist in the world.

Sometimes, things like this can become a trigger that creates a Whirlpool which could Easily bring even the Best of Captains to the Depths of Davey Jones' Locker.

It doesn't matter how Smart you Are, how much Joy or Peace or Clarity or Change you bring to Others, or anything else.

We all will end up feeling like this at times.

So, how do we Navigate from here?

If we want Success, and to Live our Lives to the Fullest, we cannot allow ourselves to be Submerged into the Abyss.

But what do we Do?

Well, I think it starts by Understanding that All Emotions are Alright to Feel.

We often have a tendency to try to "Push" Emotions away, and Run from them, almost as if in Fear.

But it Never Works.

You Can Not Run Away from Something "Inside" You.

Attempting to is not only Folly but generally allows the Feeling to get Significantly Worse.

So, instead of Running Away, you can Run To It.

The Truth is that there are Emotions we may not "Want" to Feel, but that does not mean it is "Bad" or "Wrong" to Feel Them.

Often, it is in Accepting the Emotion, and Understanding it, that we move through it more quickly.

It is also good to Understand that all Emotions are Temporary.

Some may "Linger" a bit Longer, but they are still only Temporary.

As they say in some Faith Systems, "This Too Will Pass."

It doesn't always do it "Easily", but it Will.

There is another thing that is Important to Understand here.

You are "Not" Your Emotions.

Many people Believe that their Emotions "Define" Them, but this is Far from the Truth.

Who you Are is "Significantly" More than any Temporary Emotion you may Feel at Any Given Time.

When you Understand that the Emotion is Not "You", it Allows the True "You" to become Better Revealed.

Emotions work Great as Messengers, but Horrible as our Identity or Masters.

So, Do Not Allow Yourself to Believe that an Emotion is "You" - It Is Not.

Where do we go from Here?

I find that choosing to do something Positive with your Life helps Tremendously as well.

For me, that is Writing Articles that Hopefully will help people become better Leaders in one Capacity or Another.

It may be something completely different for you, and that is alright.

The key is that it must be a Positive Action for you, and if it helps Others as well, then it will be even Better.

This is not always Easy to Accomplish - Even "as" I write this, I am having my own Struggles - but when you "Do" Positive Things, it has a tendency to Help Reveal what "More" there is outside of the Temporary Emotions we have.

The Final aspect I would add to this is to Engage with a Support Network.

This can mean "Many" things, as long as it works for You.

For me, my Spouse is tremendously Helpful during these times.

Some people look to their Parents, Children, Friends, Pets, and even Colleagues at times.

Then, there is also Professional Aid we can always seek out which is Extremely Beneficial.

The Key during this is that you Feel truly Benefited by the Individuals in your Support Network.

If you Do Not, it may be a good Idea to get Better People in your Support Group.

They Do exist, and they will be ecstatic to be as Supportive as they can be.

I have found that when the Drop Happens that Hijack your Good Days, these steps become Helpful.

You may only need one of these.

You may need all of these.

Some may Help More.

Others may Help Less.

The Key is to do what works Best for You so that you can Continue forth from Here.

Stand Up.

Dust Yourself Off.

Know that it is Alright to be Human.

Then, we Keep Going.

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