Any Arena you choose to Enter will be Challenging.
Whether it is Business...
Building Functioning Teams...
Creating Content...
You're going to have a Tough Time.
It is an Inevitability of Life.
You're Never Going to Get Anything of Worth "Easily".
Anything Easily Obtained Will Fall Away from You.
Slipping Through Your Fingers.
Just Wait.
Talent Alone Will Never Take You to the Finish Consistently.
I have watched Extremely Talented Individuals Disappear, leaving No Traces of their Amazing Talent.
I have watched Utterly Untalented People Achieve Greatly.
You'll also enter the Arena and discover that Not Everything is Fair.
People Use Systems.
They Abuse Systems.
They Wait for Others To Look Away.
Some have Access to Resources that You May Not.
It is Excessively Challenging.
There is a Question You Must Ask Yourself...
What Keeps You In The Arena?
Far Too Often I see people "Jump" into an Arena without asking this.
Imagine you hear a Rumor of something that will Bring You Money, Fame, and Fortune, but Never Ask What is Entailed.
You show up at the Designated Place.
You're Given Armor and a Weapon.
Someone pushes you through a Door and says, "Hope you don't die!"
The Door Closes and you find yourself in an Arena filled with People Fighting to the Death.
And You Do Not Know How the Rules Work.
You just signed up to be a Gladiator, Congratulations.
"Could" you gain Money, Fame, and Fortune being a Gladiator?
But you're Far More Likely to get Killed.
The Only Difference Today is that You're Far More Likely to Waste Extreme Amounts of Time and Money in the "Arenas" of Today.
Instead of Death, it will Far More Likely be Crippling Debt.
Before you Enter into the Arena, You Must Know "Why" You're Going into the Arena.
The Reason?
The Arena is Challenging.
It will Test Every Aspect of Your Life.
Your Dedication.
Pain Tolerance.
Emotional Stability.
Ability to Stand Back Up.
Here's the Deal.
If You Do Not "Have" a Reason to Stay in the Arena...
A Deeply Moving Reason...
You Will Not Stay In It.
You Will Not Be "Able" to Stay In It.
This is a Psychophysiological Fact.
Literally, your Body will "Eject" You from the Arena.
Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn.
These are Reactions to You Not Having "Something" to Stay In the Arena.
These are Survival Mechanisms to "Escape".
Many People Talk about "War" in a Similar Manner...
They talk about how they could be "Heroes"...
But Many Come Back Home with PTSD instead of Medals.
As Soon as the Reality of the Arena Strikes, you must be Ready.
If you are Not...
The Strike will Knock You Out of the Arena Instead.
There is a Reason that...
The Average Lifespan of a Business is Only 5 to 10 Years.
The Average Creator's Career Only Lasts 5 to 7 Years.
The Average CEO Only Lasts 7 to 10 Years.
They all got into an Arena without having a Deep Reason to Stay in the Arena.
It is Easy to Quit Something When You Have No Good Reasons to Continue.
It is Easy to Run Away.
It is Easy to Hide.
It is Easy to Retreat.
It is Easy to Fall Into the Crowd.
What is Difficult is Staying in the Arena.
Keeping Hope while others Fall Away.
Staying Put when Others Run.
Standing Tall when Others Bow.
Avoiding the Distractions and Pitfalls.
To Take the Cheap Blows.
And Again.
Day In.
And Day Out.
Then Coming Back for More.
Dig Deep into Yourself.
What Keeps You In The Arena?