What Is Truly Important To You - Can You Prove It?

What Is Truly Important To You - Can You Prove It?

There are many people who say that certain things are Important to them.

They may say their Work is important to them.

Their Family is what they care about most.

Others will say that their Health is a necessary part of their life.

Some will point to the Sky and say their Faith is the Most Important part of their Lives.

Whatever you say is Truly Important to you, I have a question to ask you...

Can You Prove It?

You say these things are Important to You, so I ask you to Prove to me that they are Important.

Now, I bring up this Question, and if I'm being Honest it is also a bit of a Challenge, because we live in a world filled with a lot of people who say a lot of things...

But there are very Few people who Truly "Do" Anything.

The Reality is that most people just pay Lip Service to what Society says "Should" be Important.

I hate to say that, but it is True.

I see far too many Parents say their Children are Important, or people say their Significant Others are Important, while rarely spending time with them.

I see so many people say Work is Important, only for them to Never Improve their Skills and Abilities.

I see so many Unhealthy Habits done by People who claim to be "Focused" on their Health, chasing Pseudoscience and "Solutions" that only accomplish Unhealthy Results.

I see so many people Proclaim a Name on High, but only when they are in Desperation, Never being Thankful for the Good in their Lives and Never Adhering to their "Faith" most of their lives.

None of these things prove that they are important to you.

With Parents and Significant Others, when you Ignore the people who are supposedly "Important", you are Proving that Other things are "More" Important.

For some people that is Work.

Others it is Social Media, Television, and Video Games.

There are many things that people Treat as More Important than their Significant Others and Children.

If you say that your Significant Other or Children are Important to you, Prove It!

With those who say their Work is Important to them, you must face a Reality.

You are either Growing or Degenerating.

If you Truly think your Work is Important, you must Consistently be Growing in your Work.

Your Skills today may be Great, but if Work is Important then you should be Striving for More.

You must also Recognize that your best Work comes with Flow States, which require Stress Optimization and Recovery.

If you are Failing to get enough Sleep, if you Fail to get enough Breaks, and if you have Too Much Dis-Stress, then you are Proving that Work is Not Important.

This is Driven Further if You are a Leader because all of those Must be done by You "And" Your Team.

If you are Driving your Team into the Ground, and Yourself, into Burnout, then you Really Do Not Care for your Work.

If you Disagree, Prove Me Wrong by getting Yourself and Your Team Out of Burnout, and if you need help I'm happy to do so.

With Health, I see so many people chasing different things.

Diet after Diet.

Treatment after Treatment.

Procedure after Procedure.

Pill after Pill.

All while "Never" Accomplishing even the Basics!

Here's the Reality - If you Never Master the Basics of Health then "Every" Diet, Treatment, Procedure, and Pill will Fail You in the Long Term.

If a Solution does not Heal Your Body, then it is not Really Healthy.

If a Solution Prevents Your Body from Acting as it was Designed, sometimes Permanently, then it is not Really Healthy.

True Health comes from the Basics more than Anything Else and should Allow Your Body to Work and Heal Naturally.

The Saddest thing that I see when it comes to Health is People who Chase Solutions to Problems that their Body "Should" be able to do Naturally.

However, because they have Chased so many Unnatural Solutions, they Do Not have an Inkling of their Natural Potential!

With Faith, Do You "Know" the Tenets of Your Faith?

I'm not saying Just Following what someone tells you about what your Faith Says.

Have "You" Read the Tenets?

Do "You" Understand What They Mean?

I ask this because when it comes to Faith, History has shown that so often people get used and abused by Systems because individuals Do Not "Actually" Know what their "Faith" Says.

It is a Blind Faith that often becomes more Problematic than Helpful.

I also see people Rebel or Fight against Faiths, not because the Faith itself has something Wrong Necessarily, but because their Experiences around Other Misguided People have been Horrible, or they have been Directed to do so by Equally Misguided People.

In this case, do you Actually "Know" what you are Rebelling or Fighting Against?

Then, are you Following your Faith Daily?

Not just asking for Help when you are at your Lowest, but actually Seeking to "Live" that Faith Every Day?

If you "Truly" are going to Follow a Faith, you must both Understand it Yourself and Live It.

In all of these cases that I bring to you, I am not here to Tell you How to Live or What to Believe or Follow.

If your Family is Not Important to you, Do Not say they Are.

If your Work is Not Important to you, Do Not Focus on Improving.

If your Health is Not Important to you, Do as You Will.

If your Faith is Not Important to you, Do Not follow the Beliefs.

However, if you actually "Do" want these to be Important, then Prove It.

Start Spending time with your Family, and Show them they are Important.

Start becoming Better in your Work, Grow, and Overcome Burnout so that you can Consistently Reach Flow States.

Start Mastering the Basics of your Health, and Look Into the Science before Attempting "Treatments" that May Actually Damage You, Possibly Forever.

Start Understanding and Living Your Faith at the Deepest of Levels.

Prove that these are Important.

Also, don't Prove It just to me, because "I" am not the Most Important Person you Need to Prove It To.

More Important, is that you Do These to Prove to "Yourself" that they are Important.

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