When you Focus your Life on Seeing the World a Certain Way...
It's hard "Not" to See Life through that Lens.
Over the years I have dedicated myself to Seeing what makes Entrepreneurs, Businesses, and Leaders Stand Out, and helping them Maximize the Potential that Exists within that.
This is what I call, "Differentiation Cultivation".
See, when we go through the Traditional School System, we are Typically Taught a Lie about Success...
You must be Good at "Everything" to Stand Out and "Succeed".
This is Why Students "Believe" they "Need" All "A's" in their "Extremely" Different Classes to have even a Glimpse of Success in Life.
But in Reality, this is False.
If we are Good at "Everything", we will Fail to Master "Anything"
Jack-Of-All-Trades, Master Of None.
Then, the Highest Form of Success actually Exists "Beyond" Mastery in the Realm of Sageship.
The Truth is that Differentiation is a Key to Success.
When you Understand "Why" and "How" You're Different, you begin to realize "That" is what makes You Stand Out.
Then, when you "Cultivate" that Difference, you begin the Path to Sageship.
This is the Lens through which I see Everything.
Especially around Business.
One of the Most Tragic things I See Frequently is Someone's Potential through their Differentiated Gift...
Which they then Sacrifice for the Sake of "Following" Another Undifferentiated Path.
They Descend into Mediocrity and the Death of their Soul.
I see this occur Far Too Often.
Every once in a while...
I am pleasantly surprised to see Others Embrace their Differentiation as they Cultivate something New and Exciting.
I had one of those Experiences Today.
My beautiful spouse made an appointment for a new tattoo that she wanted.
There is an Artist, Robyn Pallotta, who does Absolutely Phenomenal Work.
Robyn and her Husband, Ty Pallotta (an Award-Winning Artist himself), recently moved to a New Studio for their Tattoo Practice, with another artist, Nick Forzani.
They are now located at...
Now, here's the thing...
I've been to a few Tattoo Studios.
Most of them are Exactly the Same.
There is a Walk-In Area with Binders of the Past Work of the Artists that are there.
Then, there are individual booths or sections where each Artist has a space to work.
Usually, the "only" thing that makes One Studio different from another is the Artists there.
You could Easily Switch the Artists from One Studio to another and No One would be the Wiser.
This is what made for such a Pleasant Surprise Today.
In Business, there is a Concept Known as Experience Design.
It is the Idea that you "Invite" Customers into an "Experience" when they walk through the Door (Physical or Metaphorical, depending on the Business).
The Idea is that when people have a Certain "Experience", they Remember it Better, and are More Likely to Return.
But what happens when you Combine "Experience Design" with "Differentiation Cultivation"?
You get Bluebonnet Tattoo.
I honestly do not think it is fair to call it a "Tattoo Studio".
As soon as I walked in, I knew it was "More" than that.
It is a Combination of a Tattoo Studio, an Art Gallery, and a Celebration of the Texas Hill Country.
Perhaps you could call it a Tattoo and Art Spectacle.
On the left, you see a Large White "Tent" with Camping Chairs around to Relax and Enjoy your "Visit" to the Hill Country.
To the Right, you see Pamphlets, Featuring Each Individual Artist and their Work, which Look and Feel like Trail Maps you'd pick up on a Hiking Trip.
They also have "Real" Guides to Local Texas Areas where you could Indeed go Hiking and Enjoy the Outdoors.
As you look through the rest of the Studio, you see a mixture of Artwork that is a Homage to the Hill Country as well as Current Art being worked on by the Artists.
Cactus Plants fill the areas that Separate Section from Section.
Then, there are Lights across the Ceilings, much like the Stars you See at Night.
This was then made even More Perfect by the Artists themselves.
Each has down-to-earth personalities that make the Atmosphere feel like Camping and Hanging Out with your Friends.
A Perfect Vibe for the Experience Being Made.
They were "At Home" in their Differentiated Experience.
They Cultivated a Space that allowed "Them" to Shine Through.
They took their Personal Vibe and Accentuated It through the Experience Design.
If you want to Stand Out in Any Endeavor, you Must Lean Into "You".
What allows you to be Different and Excellent?
Unlike Anything Anyone Has Seen Before?
Find that, and Utilize It.
That makes You...
Special Thanks to Robyn, who both gave me permission to write about my Experience at Bluebonnet Tattoo Today "and" Brought my Spouse's Vision to Life.
As my Spouse says, "She Kills It Every Time!"
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