Types Of Understanding As A Leader - Completing The Picture For Success

Types Of Understanding As A Leader - Completing The Picture For Success

To Succeed as a Leader, you must have Understanding.

But what does that mean?

If you look at a dictionary it will say something to the effect of "Having Comprehension", but of What?

What is it that we must Understand as Leaders?

Well, in Reality, to have the Highest Chances of Success, Leaders must have Multiple Types of Understanding.

Having Understanding on One Level usually Creates Problems.

For instance, the most common Understanding we have today is Intellectual Understanding.

Many people, especially in Leadership, Understand things on a Simply Intellectual Level.

Yet, this causes all forms of Problems.

Look at all the Leaders who make Decisions for the Intellectual Understanding of Quarterly Profits, which end up Creating Larger Problems in the Long Term.

These decisions have been shown to Lead to Decreased Productivity, increased Dis-Stress and Burnout, Quiet Quitting, Strikes, Insubordination, and Active Disengagement among other things.


These Intellectual Decisions often Fail to have "Any" other form of Understanding behind them.

We have seen this with the Complete Failed Return-To-Office "Mandates".

We are also seeing the same Problem with so many Leaders making switches to AI.

From an "Intellectual Understanding", the Decreases in Costs to use AI over Humans makes sense.

However, looking at the workforce trying to work "with" AI, we have been seeing that AI is decreasing Productivity, as the Results need to be Heavily Edited by Real People before they are Usable.

Assuming they are "Actually" Usable.

We can also look at the Tone-Deaf AI Commercials that have been coming out.

From the AI Ad Debacle about having AI write what "Should" be a Very Personal Message from a Child to their Olympian Hero.

Or the AI Ad Debacle that claims AI will be your "Friend" while also literally showing the use of the AI device taking individuals away from real friendships.

Now, I'm not "Anti-AI" - There are Potential Use Cases where AI may be Extremely Beneficial as the Technology Develops (if it Develops Further, given the current Challenges to Growth AI Companies are Facing).

But, when Leaders look at AI from a Purely Intellectual Perspective, we see how Leaders have Failed to Reach Meaningful Understanding in "Any" Way.

What other Types of Understanding are Important for Leaders?

Well, there is the Obvious one of Understanding Others.

You will Fail as a Leader if you Fail to Understand Others.

When you Fail to Understand your Teams...

When you Fail to Understand your Customers or Clients...

When you Fail to Understand the World at Large...

You will Fail as a Leader.

This Failure more often than not is why Leaders have so many Problems.

They Never take the Time to Understand Anyone around them.

They Create Solutions for things that Solve Nothing that People Need.

They Fail to Understand the Roots of Problems that the World Has, which only Exacerbates the Issues We All Face.

So how can Leaders gain Deeper Understanding?

Well, one of the Places begins with the Heart via Neurocardiology.

Quite literally, there are Emotions that we Emit via Electromagnetic Waves that our Hearts Generate.

These Electromagnetic Waves can give us Insights into those around us when we Understand them Correctly.

For Leaders, these Insights are Essential for Developing and Improving their Team.

From Cohesion to Productivity, these forms of Understanding are Invaluable for a Leader's Success.

If used Properly, Leaders could also gain Insights from Clients and Customers through this.

This form of Understanding is also at the Root of Emotional Intelligence.

It has been stated, time and time again, that the Success of Leaders is Highly Correlated with High Emotional Intelligence.

To Truly Understand and Improve Emotional Intelligence, you Must understand the Nuerocardiology that Rules Emotional Intelligence.

But other Understandings are Important for Leaders as well.

The next that we should consider goes by a few different names, often depending on the Background you are From.

Some people would call it a Soul Understanding.

Others may call it Morality.

Quite Simply it has to do with the Concepts of Right and Wrong.

Now, what makes this Difficult is that we as Humans Do Not all Agree on what is Right or Wrong.

What is considered "Right" in the States, may be Considered "Wrong" in other Places in the World.

Much of History shows that Humans Rarely Agree on Right or Wrong.

So Why is Understanding "Right" or "Wrong" Important as a Leader?

Well, our Understanding of "Right" or "Wrong" usually Dictates much of our Actions.

If an Employee even Perceives that what you Do is "Wrong", according to them, it will create Disunity.

The Truth of the Matter is that as Disunity Grows, Leadership becomes Harder.

So, as a Leader, Disunity within your Organization, within your Customers and Clients, and even within your Suppliers, will Create More and More Problems.

To Overcome this, you Must Create Unity, which will Require you to Understand the Soul, the Morality, or what is Considered Right or Wrong by those you Work With.

Now, this does not always mean you will be Able to do "Right" According to Everyone.

However, Unity does not come from Perfect Attainment of Right or Wrong, but from Deep "Understanding" and doing the Best with what is Available Currently.

One Interesting Aspect of this is that if we look through History, we have Always Seen Disagreements on this Understanding...

But, in the Long Term, we Find that we as Humans have come to Agree on More and More and come Closer to Unity throughout History.

It means that there is Hope for us as Leaders to continue to Build that Unity within our Organizations and Teams, but this will only come through True Understanding.

Then, perhaps the last form of Understanding that a Leader needs is that of Energy or Mg-ATP.

This Underlies All Aspects of Human Life.

Our bodies Run on Mg-ATP, and its Production and Use determine what Humans can Accomplish.

When we Fail to Produce enough Mg-ATP or Use it Wisely, we will Fail to get Results.

This is made Especially True for Leaders who have to oversee not only their "Personal" Energy (Mg-ATP) but that of All the Members of their Team(s) and Organization.

Interestingly, this Also Underlies Emotional Intelligence.

When our Energy (Mg-ATP) is Low, it Directly Prevents Humans from Utilizing Skills associated with Higher Emotional Intelligence.

Not only this but at a Biological Level, Low Energy (Mg-ATP) causes Bodily Reactions that Directly Low Emotional Intelligence.

So, allowing Low Energy (Mg-ATP) on your Teams will directly Cause Ineffective Teamwork with Lowered Emotional Intelligence and Productivity.

With this, it is also Game-Changing when Leaders Understand the Energy (Mg-ATP) of their Customers or Clients.

The Largest Problem that Leaders Are Facing when it comes to Energy (Mg-ATP)?


When Humans are in Burnout, we Find that they cannot Produce Enough Energy (Mg-ATP) to manage even Basic Functions (Let Alone "Ever" Reach Peak Performance), and also that Energy (Mg-ATP) is not being Utilized in the Body Well.

So, if a Leader makes Decisions that Create Burnout, which in Today's World they Frequently Do, it Negatively Impacts Every Aspect of Business.

It Diminishes Productivity Dramatically - Estimated to Drop People's Productivity Down to "at least" 1/20th of their Potential.

It Decreases Creativity and Innovation.

It Lowers Emotional Intelligence across the Board.

It makes Effective Long Term Planning Impossible.

Everything that a Leader Needs to Succeed is Prevented by Burnout.

So, the Key to Understanding Effective Energy (Mg-ATP) comes with Designing a Regenerative Legacy.

Through this, Leaders can Demonstrate that they Know how to Effectively Understand and Improve Energy (Mg-ATP).

Without this Understanding, Leaders will Continue to Fail Across the Board.

Now, all of these Understandings are Important, but they become Most Effective when Combined.

Having a High Emotional Understanding via Neurocardiology is made better with a High Intellectual Understanding, which is Aided with a Moral Understanding, which all are Improved with an Energy (Mg-ATP) Understanding.

All of these Understandings have Strengths and Weaknesses Separately, but Combined Create Success.

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