Turning The Current Of Today's Vicious Cycles Of Leadership - The Call To Change The World

Turning The Current Of Today's Vicious Cycles Of Leadership - The Call To Change The World

I began a series on the Cycles Of Leadership a few days ago.

We began by distinguishing Cycles into Two Main Categories.

Vicious Cycles.

Like a Whirlpool, Pulling you into the Abyss.

Virtuous Cycles.

Like a Staircase, Ascending to the Pearly Gates.

Since introducing this Idea, there have been some wonderful questions about these Cycles.

The second article revealed Two Tips (and Secrets) to Building Virtuous Cycles.

The next went over Strategies to Escape the Abyss of Vicious Cycles.

Then yesterday, we answered the question of Whether Virtuous Cycles Exist.

They do, and we further discussed Why they are like finding Needles in a Haystack and where to Begin Finding Virtuous Cycles.

However, this has brought forth another fantastic question.

It was put like this...

"Great logic and insights, but still we have too many vicious cycles in all types of organizations. Is it because it takes time and will to build virtuous cycles and the results are not immediately visible?"

Even if all of these articles make "Logical" Sense, and the "Insights" line up, Vicious Cycles are indeed Dominant.

Then, if Virtuous Cycles of Leadership Do Exist, Why do they Not "Appear" to be making a Strong Difference?

Is the Problem that Virtuous Cycles are Relatively New?

Or could it be that Results Take Time and are Not Obtained Quickly?

Perhaps there is also more to the Story.

Well, Virtuous Cycles of Leadership have existed for a long time.

Sometimes they have been in Small Pockets.

There are also many Individuals Who stand as Beacons of Virtue.

Yet the Struggles they Face are many.

A Large Part of the Reason that there is a Struggle for the Cycles of Virtue to Overcome is that there's a War on Multiple Fronts.


But the War is not one that plays out in the light of day.

It is a War of Subtleties.

Of Subterfuge.

It works under the Cover of Nuances, Legalities, and Confusion.

Often, Good People get tricked into being Pawns of Vicious Cycles.

Let's take Western Medicine as an Example.

Are Doctors Evil?

Of course not.

The Vast Majority of them are Excellent and have a Singular Goal.

Save Lives.

Here's the Problem though.

Who Trains the Doctors?

The Universities that they go to.

But are the Teachers at the University Evil?

No, most of them also want Lives to be Saved.

Who funds the Universities?


Now we begin to see where the Sublties Begin.

The Pharmaceutical Companies Guide the Funding and Coursework of the Western Medical Profession.

But are the Pharmaceutical Companies Evil?

Well, this is Not Exactly True Either.

They are Businesses that gain Profit through Sales.

Now, do the Pharmaceutical Companies care about Preventative Measures?

Of course not, for if people do not get Sick, then Pharmaceuticals make No Profit.

They do not Push for these Solutions because it could Lower their Profits.

This is Why Doctors only get One Semester of Nutritional Training when Most of our Sicknesses could be Cured with Better Nutrition.

Do the Pharmaceutical Companies care about Healing People?

Of course not, for if people get Fully Healed, then Pharmaceuticals also make No Profit.

This is Why People Never get "Better" once they start taking Pharmaceutical Medications.

These Medications are not Designed to Heal, they are Designed to Mask and Make People Addicted - sometimes Emotionally, and sometimes Physically.

But Addiction nevertheless.

This is what is Most Profitable.

It is also Why Doctors are Trained, by Universities, to only accept Medical Research that has come out within the past few years.

Who controls the Majority of the Research that gets Published?

The Pharmaceutical Companies.

Because it Benefits their Profits when their Research Shows their Pharmaceuticals get Results.

The Pharmaceutical Companies are just running a Business trying to Ensure their own Success.

People are Trained to Trust the Doctors.

The Doctors are Trained to Trust the Institutions.

The Institutions are Trained to Trust the Pharmaceuticals.

The Pharmaceuticals are Incentivized to Gain Profits.

Now, this is only "One" Battlefront that I'm talking about here.

Even if you "Know" about this, the Pharmaceutical Companies are not the only Group on the Battlefield.

We see Wars playing out like this all over the Place.

So, what ends up happening is that the People who are trying to Create Virtuous Cycles are fighting on One Front, but get Hit on a Different Front.

The Pharmaceutical Industry.

The Factory Farming Industry.

The Education Industry.

The Tech Industry.

And More.

Which, as alluded to, are "All" driven by an Outdated Model of Business.

Profit at All Costs.

Including Human Life.

Which most of the Individuals within these Industries do Not Understand.

The largest problem with this Model is that there is a Limit to which you can push Profit at the Expense of Humans.

When you require Humans to Run your Businesses, Humans to be Addicted to Services to Continue to Buy them, but also Can't "Afford" to Pay them More because it "Impacts Profit"...

It is a Recipe for Disaster.

That Disaster is called Burnout.

However, what the Leaders of these Industries Further Fail to Understand is that "They" are Also Negatively Impacted by these Decisions.

Despite having Money.

Despite having Power.

Despite having "Successes".

Their Lives are made Miserable by the Model.

Burnout spreads like a Virus Impacting Everyone, including the Leaders.

The Current Business Model has been at work for the past 200"ish" Years with little True Change.

Yes, there have been some things such as Minimum Wages or Minimum Ages established in some parts of the world (but not all).

But largely, the Model has been at work like this, Profit at All Costs, mostly Unchanged.

We are only now seeing the Full Results of It, which is "Why" it is also so hard to overcome.

Most Leaders, including Leaders who "Desire" Good Change, are Too Engrossed in the Model to "See" that it is the Problem.

Plus, when you are in Burnout, it makes you both Ineffective (Lowering Productivity Potential to 5%) while "Also" making Problem-Solving Nearly Impossible.

So, we're looking at Multiple Battlefronts occurring Simultaneously...

All with Leaders who are Blinded from Aspects of the Truth...

While also being Sick with Burnout Preventing them further from Finding the Truth.

It is difficult to Fight a War, let alone "Win" a War when you start the Battle both Blind and Sick while attacked by Opponents you are Not Aware of.

On top of this, when we look at Finding Solutions, they are Complex.

When Problems Exist on Multiple Fronts, it is hard to find a Singular "Solution".

So, many Good Hearted individuals understand "Aspects" of the Truth, and Honestly Believe that "Their" Aspect is "The" Solution.

They will find Some Success, yes.

But Overwhelmingly they will find Failure.

The Reason is not that they are Necessarily "Wrong", but because they only have a "Piece" of the Solution.

The Problem here, though, is that they "Marketed" their Aspect of the Solution as "The" Solution.

When it Fails more often than Succeeds, people Lose Trust in the Solution.

This is Why so many "Burnout" Programs are No Longer Used or Trusted.

They all look at only Specific Aspects of what is Wrong, without Understanding the Full Problem.

This is also Why the Leadership Development Industry has an 80% Failure Rate and people have Lost Trust in them.

It is only a Small Aspect of what is Wrong.

Few People have Delved Deeply into the Entire Situation to get Answers.

Not to mention that there still seem to be Secrets that are still Hidden.

I've Dedicated my Life for the past 8 Years to Delving into the Secrets of Understanding Human Psychophysiology to help Leaders.

I've Trained under the Top Experts in Multiple Domains.

Been Certified to Coach, Train, and Teach in them.


Flow Psychology.

Behavioral Analysis.


Nutrition and Metabolic Health.

Micromineral Nutrition.

Identity Psychology.


Stress Management.

Change Psychology.


Mitochondrial Energy Production.

Energy Psychology.



Plus others that I have Researched Into.

All of these, and I still can't with Honesty say that I have the "Entire" Picture.

I know I'm on the Right Path because my Track Record of Success has shown that.

But there is More to Go.

"All" of these play a Role in the Vicious Cycles we Face in Today's World.

Plus More.

This is Why it is so Difficult to Overcome Today's Vicious Cycles.

How many people do you "Know" who have done Extensive Training in "All" of these Areas of Expertise?

This means that most of the individuals Developing Virtuous Cycles are Losing on Fronts they likely Do Not Know Exist.

My favorite Question to ask here is whether You understand the Role of Ceruloplasmin in Leadership Success?

Most people have "No" Clue what Ceruloplasmin is.

Fewer People Understand "What" it has to do with Leadership.

Plus, Individuals are Facing Opponents who are Incentivized by the "Profit at All Costs" Model of Business.

Opponents who Do Not Realize they are Digging their own Graves.

Opponents who often Believe they are the Good Guys.

Opponents who often "Are" Good Humans.

Which then brings about Another Issue.

When you "Attack" Good People, it generally only Creates Problems.

It Creates an "Us" versus "Them" Mentality.

This Mentality makes it so No One Wins.

When you Attack Good Humans, they believe "You" to be the Villain because they truly "Are" Good Humans.

They are just Trapped in a System that Does Not Benefit them, and they Are Unable to See it because it has been Hidden from them.

Then they "Refuse" to See It, because they were Attacked.

A Battle begins, and both "Sides" are Secretly Attacked by a Different Industry.

This is Why the Vicious Cycles have become a Maelstrom in Today's World.

This is Why those who Seek Virtuous Cycles Struggle Tremendously.

However, though the Battle is Fierce, and the Stakes are Dire, it does Not Mean it is Hopeless.

We "Can" Change the World.

But we Must Stop Fighting "Each Other".

We Must Work "Together".

A House Divided Can Not Stand.

We are in a World that is Extremely Divided.

But We are "Not" Enemies.

If we Unify, there "Are" Answers.

If we put Humans First, there "Are" Solutions.

There are Ways for "Everyone" to Win.

All Flourishing is Mutual.

We are Not Flourishing Today, but We Could Tomorrow.

We must Reveal the Truth and Design New Models.

Together, a Better Future can be Created.

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