The 4 Brain Systems In Sageship - Understanding Their Knowledge And Communication

The 4 Brain Systems In Sageship - Understanding Their Knowledge And Communication


What do you think of when you see that word?

Most people immediately think about their Brains.

You'd be Correct.

Neurons are inside of our Brains, and they are where "Thinking" happens.

They Communicate and Hold Knowledge.

What most people Do Not Realize is that we have "Neurons" throughout our Entire Body.

When you begin to look at these Neurons throughout our bodies, they make 4 Different "Brain Systems".

Each Brain System has Neurons that Think and Communicate in Different Ways.

These Brain Systems look for and react to Information in their own ways.

They can both Work "With" other Systems, and "Supersede" or "Submit" to other Systems.

We see this Frequently in Life.

Many people "Know" there are things they Should Do, yet Do Not Do.

Many people "Know" there are things they Should Not Do, yet Still Do.

Why is that?

Their "Brain" Knows, Logically, they Should or Should Not Do those things...

But One or More of their Other Brain Systems Think Otherwise.

Those Other Brain Systems Supersede the Brain.

The Brain Submits to the Other Brain Systems.

When we Seek Sageship, it is Important to Understand How these Different Brain Systems Think and Communicate.


When you Understand this, you can Aim Your Wayset (Way of Being) toward where you Desire to Get To in Life.

When you Fail to Understand these Brain Systems, you will likely get Undermined by them.

Often Subconsciously.

But by Understanding these Systems, you can Address what they are Communicating and Align these Different Systems.

You can Pick and Choose which Brain System should Lead when you Receive Different Communication from them, and Align all of the Systems toward Your Goals.

In Science, they call this Alignment Different things, such as "Coherence" and "Flow".

But that Alignment is Essential to Achieve our Highest Potential.

So what are these Brain Systems?

The first, as we know, is the Brain Itself.

This is the House of Logic and Patterns.

It also is where we can best Approach The Future, and Design Different Paths Forward.

When you are looking at these, the Brain is your Most Powerful Tool.

Then, we have our Neurocardiology, or "Heart Brain".

This is the House of Emotions and Emotional Communication.

If you pay close attention, when you "Focus" on your Physical Heart, you'll discover that Emotions seem to Start in your Heart and "Spread" to your Logical Mind.

There has even been Research that shows this occurs, where Emotional Stimuli is "Recorded" in the Heart before the Brain has an Opportunity to "Logically" interpret those Stimuli.

With this, our Hearts also create the Strongest Electromagnetic Field in our Bodies, and these Electromagnetic Signals "Communicate" with Other's Hearts.

A Common Example of this is when someone walks in a room and you "Feel" that something is Off with them, or you "Feel" something is Off when Speaking with Someone.

Even if there is No Logical Reason you can determine, you still "Feel" that something is Definitely Off.

What is Happening?

The Heart Brain is Receiving Signals that our Brain is Not Receiving.

The other Individual is Sending Electromagnetic Signals from their Heart that Your Heart Understands, but your Brain Does Not Understand.

When you Learn to Understand This Communication, you can get Better Insights into the Other Person that Logically is Not Accessible.

When you Learn to Use Heart Communication, you can also Influence People from an Emotional Level, even if Logical things like your Words Fail You.

This same Influence can be used to Calm and Change Emotions in others through what is known as "Entrainment".

This is a Powerful Tool for Leaders to be able to bring "Calm" to others.

Our next Brain System is known as Neurogastroenterology, or our Gut Brain.

This System is in Charge of Energy (Mg-ATP) Production for the Body.

Our body has Mitochondria that Create Energy (Mg-ATP).

The Neurons in our Gut Brain keep track of both what Input is being Received (ie, Macronutrients and Micronutrients) as well as the Output of Energy that our Bodies are Using.

Its Goal is to Ensure we Survive by Adjusting Input and Output.

If we are Not Receiving Enough Input to match Output, it Signals Problems.

It pushes our other Brain Systems to Seek Input to Match the Current Output.

This is why many Diets Fail.

Our Outputs are too much, and our Gut Brains take over demanding Inputs to Match.

But it goes Further than this.

If we Consistently Fail to get enough Input to Match Output, it will Signal to the Body to "Shut Down" Non-Essential Systems "Until" Inputs Improve.

In our Modern World, this is Problematic.

Most people are Missing "Extremely" Necessary Macronutrients and Micronutrients.

So, the Gut Brain tells the body to Shut Down Systems "Until" the Proper Macronutrients and Micronutrients are Received.

The Problem?

We Never Receive them in Many Diets.

So these Systems Shut Down, and Remain Shut Down.

In the Short Term, this is a Great Survival Mechanism.

In the Long Term?

These Shut Down Mechanisms are Still Essential for Health and Wellbeing.

It tends to Cause all forms of Dis-Stress in the Body, all of which is Subconscious.

It ends up Decreasing our Resilience, making it Difficult, and sometimes Impossible, to handle other Stressors we Encounter.

However, when we Learn to Understand our Gut Brain, we can Provide our Bodies with the Necessary Inputs.

Further, this allows the Body to both Perform Better and Recover from all other Dis-Stress, Quickly and Efficiently.

The Final Brain System is the Nervous System.

This Brain System is Designed to Interpret Signals and Prepare the Body to Handle All Danger.


A common example here is when you "See" Something out of the Corner of your Eye, and you Jump thinking it is Something Dangerous like a Snake.

But when your Brain finally "Logically" Understands what the Eyes Caught, you discover it was just a Stick.

Nothing Dangerous, but the Nervous System Still Reacted.

Or when you place your Hand on Something, and Quickly Remove your Hand, Seemingly Against your Will.

What has Happened?

Your Nervous System felt Extreme Heat and pushed your Body to Remove your Hand from the Stove that was On before the Brain Realized what was happening.

But there is Another Aspect of the Nervous System that is Important to Understand.

It tends to "Group" Similar Stimuli together.

This is Why it doesn't "Distinguish" between the Stick and a Dangerous Snake.

It groups "Long Thin Shape on Ground" into a Single Category.

It Reacts to "Anything" that Fits Close to this Category.

With this, the Nervous System cannot Distinguish between "Real" and "Imagined" Stimuli.

So, it Groups a Real Person with a Knife in the Same Category as a Person on TV with a Knife, as well as your Imagination of a Person with a Knife in "This" Moment.

The Nervous System reacts the Same Regardless of the Reality of the Stimuli.


Where can this become Problematic?

Let's say that, as a Kid, you watch your Parents Verbally Fight.

As a Kid, you do not Understand "Why" the Fight is Happening, but it "Feels" like a Threat to your Survival as a Kid.

Your Nervous System then "Categorizes" this within its Memory.

Verbal Yelling is a Survival Threat.

As an Adult, let's say your Boss or a Client Yells at You.

Logically, you "Know" this is Not a Real Threat to your Survival.

Yet, the Nervous System Does Not.

The Nervous System "Reacts" to Yelling as a Threat to Survival.

Then, You React "as if" You Were Being Threatened.

For Some People, this becomes "Submitting" to the Person Yelling.

Others "Freeze" and become Distant, Shutting Down.

Then, some Begin to Swing or have a "Fight" Reaction.

This is how the Nervous System works.

Over Time, the Nervous System will also "Store" these Memories in Different Parts of the Body.

So, for me, when I get Stressed Out, My Jaw will Lock Up.


My Nervous System has "Stored" a Stress Reaction in my Jaw.

Often, people will "Build Up" these Memories which Grow into Major Pain in their Bodies.

They will Seek things like Medication or Surgery for these, which end up being Ineffective.


Medication and Surgery affect the "Physical" Area, but not the Nervous System "Memory" Stored There.

Until you Address the Nervous System Directly, the Physical Pain will just Build Up, regardless of Medication and Surgery.

But, you can Change the Nervous System's Reactions to Stimuli.

You can Teach it to Act Differently.

It can "Reinterpret" Stimuli.

When you understand the Nervous System, you can also Learn how to "Calm" it Quickly.

Then, when you Deeply Understand the Nervous System, you can Teach it How You want it to React in Life, and Recategorize Stimuli as they Occur.

Some people will even have what seems like "Miraculous" Healing for Long-Term Pains they have Experienced.


Their Physical Problems were caused by "Stored" Memories of the Nervous System.

When they Change the Nervous System, their Physical Storage Dissipates and there is No Pain Left.

This is why we must Learn to Understand these Different Brain Systems.

A "Brain" Solution won't Solve a Nervous System Problem.

An "Emotional" Solution won't Solve a Gut Brain Problem.

You must Understand Which System is Speaking, and What it is Asking For.

In Understanding these Systems, we Discover how to Best Act in Life.

Then, when we Set a Destination to Aim our Wayset, we can Interpret the Signals of these Brain Systems to Continue toward the Destination.

As we Seek Sageship, Understanding these Brain Systems provides You with a Path Forward.

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