I was speaking with someone about a Challenge that they were facing in their Life.
As they began to tell me about what was happening within the situation, something began to become apparent.
They were caught between a Rock and a Hard Place.
There were a few different directions that the Individual could go, but there were Challenges that would crop up regardless of the Path chosen.
As they were going through the possibilities, they mentioned that the situation they were in was Hard.
It is True.
Their Situation is Hard.
There is No Question about that Truth.
Truly, my Heart goes out to them for the Difficulties that are coming.
However, this situation highlighted something True and Difficult about "All" of Life.
Life "Is" Hard.
Some Situations are absolutely Worse than Others, but that does not make "Easier" Situations "Easy".
Often, the Situations that find their way into our Lives are simply Different Forms of Hard.
It is one of the Most Difficult Aspects of Life for us to Accept.
No Matter What We Do, Life "Will" Be Hard.
Many People try to find ways around this Fact of Life, and within certain contexts they sometimes find an "Easier" Path, at least to Start...
However, the Reality Eventually Sets In regardless.
Every Path that Exists is Hard.
Some are Significantly More Difficult, like the Path of Playing the Victim in Every Part of Life.
Others are Less Difficult.
But All are Difficult.
It is Not something you can Escape.
Usually, the Harder or Faster you attempt to Run from Difficulties, the Worse they Become.
It is like a Wave.
Usually, if a Wave does not Build Up before Crashing, it is something most can Handle.
But the Longer a Wave builds Up, the Higher it Goes, the more Energy it accumulates, and the Harder it Crashes.
If a Wave builds up enough Energy, it can Topple Cities and Destroy Lives.
Often, this is exactly how Running from Difficulties works.
That which we Run from becomes a Tsunami that can Wreak Havoc through our Lives.
As Humans, we often try to Avoid or Run from the Difficulties, but it Never Works.
The Reality is that Either We Seek Out Difficulties, or Difficulties will Find Us.
The Difference between these Two Realities is Who We Become during the Process.
When we Attempt to Run from Difficulties, we Experience a Problem.
We become Weaker as we Attempt to Run.
Our Bodies, from a Psychophysiological Perspective, Want and Need Stressors to Grow.
Without Stressors, we are Unable to Grow.
If We Do Not Grow, We Decay.
This becomes a Double Problem because as We Decay, the Tsunami of Difficulty Grows until it Crashes Upon Us.
The Mixture of Personal Decay and the Strength of the Tsunami of Difficulty Can Break Us.
However, when we Face those Difficulties, a different Combination Occurs.
As we Face Difficulty after Difficulty, with Intention, we have the Ability to Grow as Humans.
As We Grow, we become Better Able to Handle the Difficulties of Life.
This is Mixed with Not Allowing the Waves to Build Up, which Often Prevents Tsunamis of Difficulties from Occurring.
Now, of course, this is Easier Said than Done.
It can be Hard and Fear Inducing to Face the Difficulties of Life.
It makes sense that Most People end up attempting to Sprint Away from the Difficulties instead of Sprinting Toward them.
When you See Difficulties in the Face, and that Fear sets in, often Our Bodies Act before our Brains Comprehend what is Happening.
However, if we want our Lives to be Improved, we must Train ourselves to utilize Instincts that Push Us Toward the Difficulties in Life Instead of Instincts that Drive Us Away.
That will give you your best Opportunity to Overcome the Difficulties that we "Will" Face in Life.
What Difficult thing must you Face in your Life?