Lately, I have been doing a lot of Research into the Nervous System.
Reading Multiple Books.
Looking at the Deep Scientific Research.
It seems to be one of the most Underutilized Brain Systems we have Access to.
Now, if you've followed my work, you'll know that I frequently talk about the Four Brain Systems that we all have.
Each System has its own sets of Neurons that think Interdependently of the other Brain Systems.
When everything is Working Well, they Boost each Other.
But when they are Not?
Well, it becomes a Chaotic Mess where the Systems begin to Fight and Squabble Among each other.
Often, to our Detriment.
Now, there is a lot of Focus that has been put on the Brain itself.
But when you look at the Results, Especially in the Past Decade, it has been Overall Limited.
Especially in Practical Settings like Business and Leadership Development (Part of why I Stopped Focusing on it in my work with Clients).
The Reason is that Other Brain Systems are Misfiring and Preventing the Brain from Operating to its Potential.
They basically Take Control Away from the Brain and Limit the Capacity of the Brain.
So what are the Other Brain Systems?
Neurocardiology (Heart-Brain).
Neurogastroenterology (Gut-Brain).
The Nervous System.
Over the past 5 Years, I've done a lot of Research in the Heart-Brain and Gut-Brain.
Overall, there seems to be a lot More Information about these.
Or perhaps they are just More Simple to Find.
Due to that, there seem to be Easy correlations to Find in how they Relate to Leadership Success and Sageship.
The Gut-Brain is in Charge of Energy Production, which determines the Maximum Energy Available for our Brain Systems to Use.
The Heart-Brain has a Direct Communication Pathway, via Electromagnetic Waves, with Everyone Around Us.
This has been a Major Factor in Why Burnout is Getting Worse.
We Communicate "Dis-Stress" with Everyone Around Us, and can "Entrain" (or Pull) Others into that Dis-Stress with Us.
As you can imagine, a Workplace Filled with Burnout becomes a Toxic Cesspool, creating a Vicious Cycle where Burnout Spreads and becomes Worse.
However, the Nervous System has been a More Difficult area of Research to Track Down and Understand.
I got my First Inkling of its importance while I was Focused Studying on Physical Movement and Embodied Cognition.
Embodied Cognition is simply how our Brains Capabilities are Directly tied to how well we can Move within our Environment.
The Idea at the time was that if we can Improve and Maximize our Movement Capabilities, we can Simultaneously Expand our Brain's Potential.
Which is Very Relevant, do not get me Wrong.
There is a reason I still hold a Personal Trainer Certification even if I do not Train Others at a Gym - the Information is Still Incredibly Relevant and Necessary.
However, a lot of the Research in that area is Focused on Either the Brain or the Gut-Brain.
There was another Modality though, called Original Strength, which discovered that Certain Movements have a Direct Impact on the Nervous System.
Ironically, it is the Movement Patterns we Engage In during our Development that can Improve our Nervous System.
This is a part of the Reason I both Run Daily and Encourage Others to Run and Walk.
That Certification was when I "Knew" that I needed to look More Deeply into the Nervous System, but hadn't "Found" what I was looking for.
The next Clue came to me as I was going through my Root Cause Protocol Certification.
Its primary Focus is Energy (Mg-ATP) Production and Micronutrients.
Both parts of the Gut-Brain.
Now, there are some Incredible Stories of Success around that Modality, but there was Something Interesting...
There are Potential Roadblocks.
Within the Protocol, they have Certain Recommendations if you Discover Challenges are Still Occurring.
When I looked at some of these Modalities, I came to a Realization...
They were Nervous System Problems.
The Nervous System was Impeding the Results of Energy (Mg-ATP) Production and Micronutrient Utilization.
I found what I was looking for.
This has brought me to today with the Certifications I'm currently going through.
What is Fascinating is "How" Impactful the Nervous System is.
When you start looking at how the Nervous System Reacts to Certain Things...
Fight-or-Flight Reactions.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Trauma Capsules that can Create Physical Pain based on Emotional Memories "Decades" After Events.
Epigenetic Reactions (DNA Changing, even within Minutes or Hours of Environmental Factors being Experienced).
Chronic Inflammation.
What I see is Fascinating...
Many of these are the Roots of Many of today's Health and Wellness Challenges.
What does that Mean?
It can Also be the Root of Many "Solutions" to today's Health and Wellness Challenges.
Now, again, I firmly Believe in the Four Brain Systems Needing to Work Cohesively.
If they are Not Working Together, it will Cause Problems.
I Believe this is Another Aspect of Why so Many Scientists Seem to Fail to get Overwhelming Results with Certain Challenges that are Getting Worse in the World.
They are Focused on One Brain System when the Problem they are Looking at is a Multi-Brain System Problem.
The Nervous System is Regularly Ignored, and I think that is a Major Mistake.
There is a Possibility, albeit one that I Need to Research and Test Further, that when we Combine Modalities...
Especially with the Nervous System and Gut-Brain which are often Ignored or Deeply Misunderstood and Misrepresented due to Extreme Misinformation...
We may be able to make Incredible, perhaps even Miraculous, Improvements in the State of Health and Wellness in the World.
That may "Sound" Extreme.
But when you begin to Look at the Limited Research that has been Done in these Modalities (which is "Still" a Significant Amount of Research, including hundreds of Research Papers)...
You begin to See a Piece of a Puzzle being Discussed in One area of Research...
That Same Piece is Discussed in Another area of Research...
Which Connects to an Entirely New Puzzle Piece that wasn't Discussed in the First Set of Research...
You begin to see this Interconnected and Extremely Complex System that can Explain "Why" We See So Many Challenges in Today's World.
When we Combine these different areas of Research...
We may be able to Solve So Much Pain.
I am Beginning to Believe that we are at the Edge of an Entirely New Era of Health and Wellness...
One that is Far Less Complex to Solve than Many Attempt to Make It...
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