In my Research to Understand the Psychophysiology of Leadership and Sageship, I have found Fascinating Things.
Like how we have Neurons throughout our Entire Body.
How They Work Together to Create Different "Brain Systems".
How Each System Thinks Differently.
How they are Interdependent.
But also How Many Problems Occur when we Fail to Understand these Systems.
They Add Up.
This is Especially Problematic for One Reason...
All Stress Adds.
Even if you Do Not "See" It.
Even if you Do Not "Understand" It.
It often Impacts Us Subconsciously.
It is a Large Part of the Reason that Burnout has become so Pervasive in Today's World.
It is a Gigantic Problem.
So, I've dedicated Years of my Life to Understanding these Different Systems.
How they Work.
How they Interact.
How to Fix and Improve Them.
This brings me to One that I've been Focused on Recently.
The Nervous System.
Within this System, we have a Tendency to "Store" Physical Reactions to Events in our Lives.
When something Occurs, the Nervous System keeps track of Certain Groupings of Stimuli.
When an Event, or Memory, Triggers a Grouping, it Triggers the Bodily Reaction.
So, for instance, say you have a bad encounter with a Dog in your youth.
The Dog Bites You.
Maybe it isn't even Hard, just enough to put a bit of Fear in you.
Your Nervous System will "Store" a Reaction to that.
If you Never Improve or Fix your Nervous System, the Reactions Remain.
So, as an Adult, you now see a Chihuahua.
An annoying dog, but not a particularly dangerous dog.
Logically our Brain Understands.
But the Nervous System does not.
It has a "Stored" Reaction to anything that "Resembles" Dogs.
Including the Chihuahua.
So, the Nervous System Reacts.
You still "Feel" Afraid of the Chihuahua, even though you "Know" it is not Dangerous.
However, we can Fix the Nervous System and Improve It.
Retrain It.
So that it Reacts in Ways that are Beneficial to Us.
Instead of Causing Dis-Stress when we see a Chihuahua.
But How Quickly Can It Work?
Well, I discovered exactly how Quickly it can Improve Today.
I was going through some of the Coursework for a Certification I'm going through around Improving the Nervous System.
As I was doing it, I was thinking about My Neck which has been in some Pain for a few days.
I also watched my Heart Rate Variability.
This is a Different Measure of Health, which can give us Insights into when we are Feeling in Dis-Stress or Calm.
When in Calm, our HRV will Increase.
In Dis-Stress, our HRV will Decrease.
So, over the past 3 months, my HRV has been averaging between 37 and 43 per Day.
That is a Pretty Good Average Already, and I've done a "Lot" of work around Decreasing Dis-Stress and Increasing HRV.
But I noticed something Interesting Today.
As I went through this Coursework and Focused on my Neck, something Fascinating Happened.
I "Hit" on Something.
As I worked to Improve the Nervous System, I found what you could call a "Keystone Stressor" buried within the Nervous System.
Within about 15 Minutes of Starting the Exercise, and 5 Minutes of Discovering this Keystone Stressor...
My Neck Stopped Hurting.
After Days of Discomfort and Pain.
Then, I looked at my HRV.
It Drastically Rose.
I have Paid Attention to my HRV throughout the entire day since.
My Average for Today?
Currently 47.
That is Significantly Above my 3 month Average
My HRV also got up into the 70's.
Without "Trying".
Usually, I can only Temporarily Touch into the 70's by Deeply Focusing on Improving my HRV.
I'm in the 70's as I Write this.
Usually my HRV "drops" as I Write.
But today, it has been Effortless.
In General, I'm a Skeptic and Do Not Believe Results like this Unless I "See" Them.
Even though I've Read Studies about Changes Occurring like this during this Certification...
I was Still Highly Skeptical.
Yet, here I am, Amazed, "Seeing" it with my Eyes.
It seems many of us, Myself Included, have a Nervous System that is Highly Disordered.
If "I" can get Results like this, when I already take Great Care of Myself...
Imagine the types of Results Others can get...
How Quickly Could We Turn Our Lives Around?
Of course, you can't Rely on the Nervous System Alone, but I am Confident it is a Deeply Underestimated Brain System.
My Certification is still "Very" Early, but "Seeing" these types of Results brings me a "Lot" of Excitement.