How Cowboys, Samurai, And Similar Heroes Of Old Can Aid Your Leadership - Using The Fascination To Gain Buy-In

How Cowboys, Samurai, And Similar Heroes Of Old Can Aid Your Leadership - Using The Fascination To Gain Buy-In

One thing that I have both Experienced Myself and Watched in Others is the Utter Fascination in Heroes of Old.

For some people, it is the Honor-Bound Samurai whose Morals are above Reproach.

For others, it is the Cowboy whose Freedom allows them to Find Lawless Places and Bring Peace to those most Deserving.

There are many types of Heroes Of Old who Fascinate our Imaginations.

Now, in Reality, most of these "Heroes" were likely significantly less Glamorous than the Stories we Hear and Tell in Today's World.

Yet, there is something that Draws People to these Heroes Constantly.

Across Cultures, Across Perceived Differences, and More.

What is it that People are Drawn to?

As a Leader, is there a way you can Encapsulate that Essence to Aid you towards the Goals you have today?

Well, the Truth is that you as a Leader absolutely "Can" use this Fascination that Humans have with these types of Heroes to your Benefit.

But first, you must understand "What" it is that People are Fascinated by.

When you look at these types of Heroes, you'll see something similar occur across the Board for all of them.

Though the Heroes we see are often Imperfect People, making Mistakes along the way, there is something that is still Attractive About Them.

What is it?

Their Dedication to their Codes.

As an example, The Samurai fights for Honor which is sometimes called "Bushido", and they will act in accordance with it to the best of their ability.

Or the Cowboy, who fights against the Chaos brought by Outlaws which correlates to what is sometimes called the "Cowboy's Way".

What the Code "Is" really is not as Important as the Hero's Dedication to that Code.

They try to align all of their Actions with that Code.

If they Fail to Live up to that Code, for whatever Reason, they will do whatever is Necessary to make things Right.

They will do this, even if what happens is No Fault of their Own!

They will do this, even at the Cost of their Lives!

That is how Dedicated they are to these Codes.

It is the same of Every Romanticized Hero, both from History and from Fictional Works.

Now, Why is this Important for Leaders?

In the world of Business, these Heroes could be Described as "Exemplars".

They are Living, Breathing Examples of their Codes.

People are Fascinated by True Exemplars.


The Reason is that True Exemplars are Rare in the Real World.

Most People "Talk the Talk", but Never "Walk the Walk".

The Problem with this?

Everyone can See through it - They See Through the Lies, the Smoke and Mirrors, the Frauds as they Parade Around.

To the Eyes of most People, those who Talk the Talk but Never Walk the Walk are equivalent to Villains.

Regardless of whether it is True, that is the "Perception", and in the Real World, Perception becomes the Reality of how people Act.

So in Business, if Employees "Perceive" that Leaders are Villains, then Employees will Act "As If" their Leaders are Villains.

Which, as we see in Today's World, only Causes Major Problems for Leaders.

However, something Changes when we become Exemplars.

When our Actions Match our Code, we become Above Reproach.

When you "Do" Exactly as You "Say", Everyone Knows that you are Dependable and a Person of Your Word.

That is what makes a Hero so Heroic.

They can be Trusted to "Do" what they Stand For.

The Trust, the Awe, The Dependability of Leaders who "Do" what they Say and are Exemplars of their Word is Attractive to Others.

That is the Type of Leader that People "Want" to Follow.

This is how Leaders can get others to Buy Into them, to become Fascinated with the Leader.

It is through that Code, and Demonstrating that Code, Consistently, that Leaders Gain the Right to Lead.

Your Code does not need to be the Same as a Samurai, or a Cowboy, or any other Hero of Old Necessarily.

However, your Dedication and Adherence to your Code is Absolutely Necessary.

What is Your Code?

Are you Willing to Follow It at Nearly All Costs?

When you Inevitable Fail (because we are Human and Imperfect), are you Willing to Do "Everything" in Your Power to Make It Right?

That form of Dedication to a Code is what Turns a Hero into a Legend.

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