Gratitude For The Little Things - Celebrating National Wife Appreciation Day

Gratitude For The Little Things - Celebrating National Wife Appreciation Day

Life can be Extremely Difficult.

It is something that we all Understand and Experience.

But often, this Understanding begins to Overwhelm Us.

Pressure is added on top of pressure, and it can feel Crushing.

As this Pressure Adds Up, most people often go Deeper and Deeper into Dis-Stress as their Mental and Emotional Dis-Stress Amplifies their Stressors.

With this often comes Deep Anxiety, Depression, and other Mental Health Challenges.

Sadly, this has become the Norm in most people's Lives.

But does it have to be this way?

Is there perhaps a way "Out" of this Maelstrom that threatens to pull us down and Drown us in the Deepest of Despairs?

Well, let me tell you a small story about my wonderful Spouse (she told me I was allowed haha).

Recently she picked up a 5-Minute Daily Journal which gives her topics to think about and reflect on.

Today, she was tasked with writing a letter to someone she cares about, and I was the blessed recipient of that letter.

She wrote something in her letter that I think is vital to this topic.

"... this whole "Five Minute Journal" thing is all about taking time to appreciate the little things - that's something I think a lot of us forget to do."

The scientists call this, "Gratitude".

It is True what my spouse is saying.

Most of us "Do" Forget to Appreciate and have Gratitude in our Lives.

It isn't so much that we "Do Not" Appreciate these things, or "Do Not" have Gratitude for them, but we don't put our "Focus" on them.

They say that where we Focus begins to Consume our Lives.

Where do "Most" of us Focus?

On our Dis-Stresses.

On the Problems we are Experiencing.

On the Challenges we have not yet Overcome.

On the World's Dillemmas that we have No Power Over, and which we find ourselves Unable to Impact.

Since this is where we Focus, these are the things that Consume our Lives.

It is No Wonder that so many people Feel Anxiety, Depression, and Worse!

If we "Only" Focus on these, of course, we will be dragged into the Maelstrom and Perish.

However, perhaps one of the Beautiful aspects of Human Life is that we can Change our Focus.

We can begin to Focus on what Adds Value to our Lives.

We can Focus on what we are Grateful For.

We can Focus on the Successes we have, no matter how Small they may Seem.

We can Focus on what Power we "Do" have, and look for what ways we can Utilize that Power Most Effectively!

I know how Difficult this can be to "Actually" Do, trust me.

I have Seen the Evil and Darkness that Exists in the World and have Discussed it in my Articles.

A Few Days Ago I discussed Terror and How it Spreads.

I have Faced the Darkness existing within my Industry that Creates Fates Worse than Death.

I have watched a Nation Proclaim an Ideal that Few Actually Receive.

I have been Dragged Down to the Deepest Pits of the Maelstrom Feeling No Hope.

I am only too wary of these Dark Aspects of Life.


I also have seen the Good in the World.

I have Watched Individuals Accomplish Amazing Things!

I have Dedicated Myself to Positively Impacting the World.

I write Daily to Help Others Achieve Greater Success in their Lives.

I Put Effort into Designing a Regenerative Legacy so that Tomorrow's World will be Better than Today's.

I also practice Small Gratitude Daily.

I am Grateful for my Faith, and how it has Guided me.

I am Grateful for the Ability to Improve my Life with Small Actions each and every day.

I am also Deeply Grateful for my Wonderful Spouse, who Inspires me with her Love, Dedication to Improving the World, and so much More.

She is a Testament to the Good we can do in the World through the Small Things we choose to do Daily.

I do not believe I'd be where I am today without her Support, and every moment I have with her I Appreciate and Truly is a Miracle.

So, today, let her words reach you - Do Not Forget to Appreciate the Little Things.

It may just Change Your Life for the Better.

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