Finding Joy In The Small Things - The Micro In The Macro

Finding Joy In The Small Things - The Micro In The Macro

I've been trying to decide what I want to write about today.

Do I continue with The Cycles of Leadership?

I've been considering talking about Competition within the Cycles.

There are also the Return-To-Office "Mandates".

Amazon has been "Begging" me to speak about them again (he says sarcastically).

I was also thinking of comparing Starbucks's Perspective to Spotify's Perspective on how they see the "Mandates".

Other Ideas exist as well.

Yet, None of them feel quite "Right" for Today.

I may need a bit more time to Process these Concepts.

Perhaps more Energy (Mg-ATP) is Required.

Days like this happen.

Within the Final Countdown for the Day...

It came to me.

I was speaking with my Wonderful Spouse about a show we watch.

Bob's Burgers - Can't Recommend it Enough!

Anyhow, she asked me if I thought they would do an Episode on a Character Dying.

I said No, but "If" they did do that Episode it would become an Extremely Powerful Episode.

It reminded me of another show I Love.

Avatar The Last Airbender.

The Original Nickelodeon Show (Not any of the Remakes).

There is one Episode that follows Uncle Iroh.

Iroh is a Father Figure for one of the Characters.

He is also a Very Powerful Martial Artist.

One of the Best in that World.

Powerful Enough, perhaps, to Conquer Everything if he so chose.

However, this particular Episode starts Strangely.

It follows Iroh around what seems like a "Regular" day.

It doesn't seem to connect to any plot points.

None of the "Main" Protagonists appear.

Iroh Shops.

He talks down a Mugger and puts the guy on a better path.

He goes on what seems like a picnic.

Then it hits.

It's the Birthday of Iroh's Son.

His Son who passed away in a War.

The entire episode is put into an Entirely Different Perspective.

The Little Things became Powerful.

This is a Man who is Struggling with the Loss of his Only son.

Still Smiling.

Still Helping.

Still being a Good Human.

Many people say that "This" Episode, which doesn't connect deeply to the overarching Plot, is their "Favorite" Episode.

Why is that?

It is a Powerful Reminder that the Small Things Matter.

Even in a World filled with...


Good versus Evil...




World-Altering Consequences...

It is "Still" the Small Things that can have the Deepest Impact.

It is also a Testament to our Character.

There is a saying...

How you do the Small Things is How you do Everything.

So often we Focus on the Macro.

The Big Picture.

Our Great Purpose.

We Seek it like our Lives Depend on it.

We Believe that when we get "There" Everything will Change.

That it will Provide Everything We Need.

Yet, what do we Do in the Micro?

In the Day to Day?

In the Small?

In the Minuscule?

How you do the Small Things is How you do Everything.

Can you Find Joy in the Small?

Can you Find Purpose in the Day-To-Day?

Can you Feel Fulfilled in the Minuscule?

The Truth is that the Big will "Never" Matter if you Do Not Find it in the Small.

Do you want to Find Joy?

Find it where You Are Today.

Do you want to Live Purposefully?

Live into it Today.

Do you want to Feel Fulfilled?

Find it Today.

The Micro will Filter into the Macro.

But if you Miss It in the Micro, you'll Miss It in the Macro.

What makes Iroh's Episode so Powerful is that you "See" Who Iroh is during the Small Moments.

He Spreads Joy to Others.

He Helps those Who are Desperate.

He Feels Love so Deeply and Expresses it Fully.

That is Extremely Powerful.

We "Find" our Power in the Small Moments.

The World Opens Up to Us in the Small Moments.

Seek the Joy in the Small Things.

Yes, there are Large, World-Altering things Occurring in Our World.

Even Today.

But Do Not Forget the Small.



Begin Now.

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