Beyond The Knowledge Economy - Why It's Failing And What Is Needed Instead

Beyond The Knowledge Economy - Why It's Failing And What Is Needed Instead

In the 1960's, Peter Drucker was credited for coining "The Knowledge Economy".

The Idea behind it was that Economies were shifting and beginning to favor jobs that required Knowledge.

The Accumulation of Knowledge would contribute to Scientific and Technical Innovations.

Whoever had the Knowledge would Rise to the Top of the Economy.

Employees with the Most Knowledge would Rise to the Top.

Businesses with the Most Knowledge would Rise to the Top.

Governments with the Most Knowledge would Rise to the Top.

In many ways, this has led to Amazing Developments and Turned out to be Accurate.

Those with the Most Knowledge "Did" Rise to the Top.

For a long time, Knowledge "Has" Defined the Game.

However, there are a few Interesting Things we are beginning to See when it comes to the Knowledge Economy.

The first is that there appears to be an Equalization of Knowledge around the World.

Countries, Businesses, and People who were considered "Behind" are beginning to Catch Up.

Why is this?

Well, it is because Access to Knowledge is becoming Easier and Faster to Obtain.

No longer are the Days when you had to travel to another part of the world to Learn from "The Best" in an Industry.

We Do Not have to spend Years and Unimaginable Costs to Gain Access to Knowledge.

Today, most people can get any Knowledge they seek from the Comfort of their own Houses, in a matter of Seconds.

Those who do not "Currently" have this Access are absolutely Closing the Gap as Companies continue to Build Out Infrastructures giving more people this Access.

As this trend continues, there may be very little Distinction between the Levels of Knowledge in one place or another.

Quickly, as a New Level of Knowledge is Obtained, it is uploaded to the Internet and Shared with nearly Everyone.

Even when Legal Means are utilized to attempt to "Block" Intellectual Property Use, the Ideas are usually "Slightly" Changed to allow for Circumvention.

What happens when Everyone's Access is Equal?

But it goes a bit further because as the Knowledge Economy has grown, we are starting to see something else that is troublesome.

Having Knowledge Frequently Does Not Provide True Solutions for Our Problems.

We see Knowledge and Innovations Increase in so many Industries - Technology, Food, Medicine, etc.

Yet, are the levels of Knowledge and Innovations "Helping" Us?

For the first time in Decades, People's Life Expectancies in 1st World Countries are Decreasing.

Medicine is supposedly "Improving" but people are becoming More Sick than Ever.

Food Innovations have been Occurring, yet our Food is Less Nutritious than Ever and has been "Proven" to make us Sick in "Many" Different Ways.

Are these "New" Levels of Knowledge and Innovation "Actually" Beneficial?

This brings us to another Problem we are seeing More Frequently in the Knowledge Economy.

Knowledge being Purposefully Obscured.

For Instance, we have a Belief that Scientific Research should help "Prove" things as "True".

But it is Estimated that 80% - 90% of Research is "Junk Research" designed to "Prove" what specific Companies "Want" us to Believe for their Sales Margins.

Countries Purposefully Obscure and Slant Certain Information so that their Citizens (and The World) either Do "Not" gain Access to it or so the Country's "Version" is the Only Version Heard.

Not to mention the Extreme Levels of "Junk" Knowledge that Exists on the Internet Overall.

Unfiltered, Untested, and Unverified Knowledge that is Told, Retold, and becomes "Viral" Despite it being Junk.

Even when it comes to what many believe "In Theory" should be the "Ultimate Product" of the Knowledge Economy - Artificial Intelligence - we see "All" of these being Problems.

Artificial Intelligence "Frequently" can't Distinguish between "Good" and "Bad" Ideas.

Frequently, Bad Players "Feed" Artificial Intelligence Information which Causes it to do All Kinds of Horrible and Wonky Things.

Then, based on "How" Artificial Intelligence Works, it Favors "Quantity" over "Quality" which ends up driving things like "Junk Research" because that is simply what it finds the "Most" Information on.

We are beginning to see that, perhaps, the Knowledge Economy is "Not" as Magnificent as it has been made out to be.

It "Has" Brought us Far, but as it is often said, "What brought us here, may not get us there."

So, what is needed?

If the Knowledge Economy is not the Ultimate Solution, and we are seeing the Limitations, What Comes Next?

Perhaps what is Next is the Wisdom Economy.

Those who Rise to the Top won't be those who have the "Most" Knowledge, because in a relatively short time, "Everyone" will have Access to "All" of the Knowledge.

Those at the Top will be those who "Truly" Solve Problems, and Utilize the Knowledge that Exists to Improve The World.

It will be Defined by an Ability to Discern The "Best" Solutions from all the "Junk" Solutions that Exist.

The Wisdom Economy will Benefit Real People instead of Imagined "Profit" (For Money is only Paper and Numbers that are an Imagined Symbol we Agree To, and Nothing More).

It will stop giving more Useless "Innovations" that No One Wants or Needs.

It will Solve Problems "For" People Instead of "At Their Expense".

The More People who Benefit, the Better Solutions they will All be able to Create, Together.

Knowledge is Great.

But Wisdom is Far More Powerful, and what is Needed Today.

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