When you think about those who Attain Sageship, there is a certain group of Individuals we frequently think about.
They generally have Ideas that have Long Outlasted them, and Still Impact Us Today.
Millennia Later.
An Example are the Stoic Philosophers whose popularity has resurged and whose Knowledge Leaders Utilize today.
Often, their Lessons are So Deeply Embedded in Society, we Do Not Even "Know" that those Lessons came from a Philosopher.
Let me ask Another Question though...
What goes through your Mind when you think of a Philosopher?
Likely some Old Individual.
Wise Beyond Their Years.
Thinking about Life.
Talking about Ideas and Engaging in Discourse to get Others to Understand those Ideas.
Guiding their Society toward a Different Future.
All True.
But there is Another Lesson given to us by the Sages of Old which is Frequently Forgotten by Leaders Today (And Modern "Philosophers" for that matter).
Much to the Detriment of Modern Society.
Something which is Directly Preventing Us from Attaining a Flourishing Future.
What is it?
Socrates, an Ancient Greek Philosopher, said it Wonderfully...
"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable."
Accessing Sageship is Not Just a Matter of the Mind.
Sageship is "Beyond" a Mindset.
A Way of Being.
Not just in the Mind, but Physically as Well.
They are Not Amateurs in Their Physical Training.
They become Professionals in Their Physical Being.
"Beauty" and "Strength" are About More than Being Pretty and Lifting Things.
Beauty is about what our Bodies are Capable of Creating in the World.
Strength is about what our Bodies can Endure and Overcome in the World.
Things which are Brains Alone are Incapable of Accomplishing.
Professional also does not necessarily mean "Professional Athlete".
It just means being a Professional with "Your" Body, Not "Against" Other Bodies.
Now, Socrates did Not have Access to the Scientific Advancements that we do Today.
So, We have the Capability to hit Higher Levels of Professional Success with our Physical Being and Wayset Today.
When you look at Where Leaders Completely Fail Today, it is Frequently their "Lack" of Physical Understanding that Prevents their Success.
Both of Themselves and their Teams.
They Do Not Lack Knowledge.
They Do Not Lack in their Mindset.
They Do Not Lack EQ or IQ.
They Lack because their Physical Bodies are Subconsciously Undermining "All" of their Efforts.
Blocking Knowledge They Already Have.
Negatively Impacting Their Mindset.
Artificially Lowering Both Their EQ and IQ.
Leaders today, frequently, are Not Even "Amateurs" of their Physical Bodies.
"Novice" may be Too Kind of a Word.
Most Leaders, and Humans, are Completely Ignorant and Incompetent with their Physical Bodies.
How Do I Know This?
80% of People are Experiencing It.
More are On Their Way.
Few Actually "Get Out" and "Stay Out" of Burnout.
How Capable Are Our Physical Bodies in Burnout?
Completely Incapable.
We become Capped at 5% of our Productivity Potential in Burnout.
If you think this "Just" Affects your Body, you would also be Completely Wrong.
Burnout Prevents us from Using Our Minds to their Potential as Well.
Creative Problem Solving and Innovation are Blocked in Burnout.
Our Highest Psychological Success is Achieved in what is known as "Flow States".
Psychologists say Burnout is the Opposite End of the Spectrum from Flow States.
Flow is Impossible to Attain in Burnout.
Socrates Understood the Mind and Body are One.
Sages Understand This Truth.
The Mind Suffers when the Body Suffers.
The Body Suffers when the Mind Suffers.
We have Extreme Levels of Scientific Research to Back this Up Today.
I often speak about this as, "The 4 Brain Systems".
When you look at the Research, you Discover things like how your Neurogastroenterology (Gut-Brain) "Directly" Impacts Our Mental Resilience.
Or how Emotions can Cause Physical Long-Term Disabilities in our Bodies.
Physical Long-Term Disabilities, some of which Western Medicine classifies as "Incurable", that can "Miraculously" Heal when we Fix the Nervous System around those Emotions.
When things go Wrong with the 4 Brain Systems, it creates a Vicious Cycle.
In our Own Lives.
In the Lives of those Around Us, at Work and Home.
In our Businesses.
In our Communities.
Everything is Directly Impacted by whether or not we are Professionals in our Physical Bodies.
For those who Seek Sageship in their Lives, you must Understand that Your Mind will "Never" get you to Sageship Alone.
You must become a Professional in Your Mind, Yes.
But You must also become a Professional in Your Body as Well.
Otherwise, you become what Socrates calls, "A Shame".
A Loss of Potential.
Do Not become a Shame.
Become a Professional in Your Body.